Sugar BPM - If a lead is converted, use that as the start event

Hi there,

We want to set the custom field (in the leads module) "lead_qualification_status" to the value "converted" when a lead is converted.
Can this be used as a start event for the process?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi ,

    I think you can achieve this by checking the Lead status. Here's a quick guide:

    Start by setting a trigger when the Lead status changes to "Converted." Then, modify your custom field by adding an Action with Type: "Change field" to update the field accordingly.

    If you have access to the codebase, you can also do this using Sugar Logic. The required change would look like this:
    $dictionary['Lead']['fields']['lead_qualification_status']['formula']='ifElse(equal($status,"Converted"), "converted", $lead_qualification_status)';

    This formula checks if the status is "Converted." If it is, it sets the field to "converted" as desired. Otherwise, it keeps the existing value. The only downside is that because it’s calculated, the field will be Read-Only.

    Hope this helps!

    Tevfik Tümer
    Sr. Developer Support Engineer 

  • Hi ,

    I think you can achieve this by checking the Lead status. Here's a quick guide:

    Start by setting a trigger when the Lead status changes to "Converted." Then, modify your custom field by adding an Action with Type: "Change field" to update the field accordingly.

    If you have access to the codebase, you can also do this using Sugar Logic. The required change would look like this:
    $dictionary['Lead']['fields']['lead_qualification_status']['formula']='ifElse(equal($status,"Converted"), "converted", $lead_qualification_status)';

    This formula checks if the status is "Converted." If it is, it sets the field to "converted" as desired. Otherwise, it keeps the existing value. The only downside is that because it’s calculated, the field will be Read-Only.

    Hope this helps!

    Tevfik Tümer
    Sr. Developer Support Engineer 
