After login error "Cannot declare class SessionStorage because the name is already in use"

Hi team,

I just installed an existing SugarCRM version 12.0.4 instance on my local and I got this error after login.

Any solution regarding this error?

[Wed Aug 07 16:35:14.588234 2024] [php:error] [pid 77659] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot declare class Sugarcrm\\Sugarcrm\\Session\\SessionStorage, because the name is already in use in /var/www/html/https/src/Session/SessionStorage.php on line 28, referer:

  • Did you do a change file permissions and a QRR after your upgrade? 

    I do them every time.

    If  's suggestion is not enough try this:

    Go to your sugar root directory and do a grep for that class:

    grep -r 'class SessionStorage'

    See what you get back.

    I get:

    src/Session/SessionStorage.php:class SessionStorage extends TrackableArray implements SessionStorageInterface

    and a bunch of files in upgrades/backup/... but those don't matter, they are the same file from older versions.

    if you get more than one declaration of the class then you've found your problem.


    I've never had to empty custom/modules/*/Ext and custom/application/Ext unless I have a syntax error in one of the custom/Extension/.../Ext/... files (the QRR will not fix it)  then I just remove (or fix the syntax error) in the culprit to get me through the QRR which will rebuild it.... Thinking


  • Did you do a change file permissions and a QRR after your upgrade? 

    I do them every time.

    If  's suggestion is not enough try this:

    Go to your sugar root directory and do a grep for that class:

    grep -r 'class SessionStorage'

    See what you get back.

    I get:

    src/Session/SessionStorage.php:class SessionStorage extends TrackableArray implements SessionStorageInterface

    and a bunch of files in upgrades/backup/... but those don't matter, they are the same file from older versions.

    if you get more than one declaration of the class then you've found your problem.


    I've never had to empty custom/modules/*/Ext and custom/application/Ext unless I have a syntax error in one of the custom/Extension/.../Ext/... files (the QRR will not fix it)  then I just remove (or fix the syntax error) in the culprit to get me through the QRR which will rebuild it.... Thinking


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