can't deploy package built in module builder in DEV to my TEST instance in v12.0.5 On Site

I am running Enterprise v12.0.5 (I know, it's off support and I'm working on upgrading to v14 but development does't stop :) )

I built a trivial module in Module Builder "lsys_LicenseSystems" in my development environment (v12.0.5 Ent) with the "Basic" template and added two dropdown fields.
After deployment I added a relationship to Accounts and edited the Accounts layout and the subpanel for this new module.
Tested that it's doing what I want.

I "published" the module from Module Builder which created the package.
I tried to deploy the package in my TST environment using Module Loader.
The load reaches 100% and fails.

The log shows:

Rebuilding Language...en_us

Installing layoutdefs extension

Rebuilding ActionViewMap...

Rebuilding ActionFileMap...

Rebuilding ActionReMap...

Rebuilding Administration...

Rebuilding Dependencies...

Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry...

Rebuilding Extensions...

Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap...

Rebuilding Layoutdefs...

Rebuilding GlobalLinks...

Rebuilding LogicHooks...

Rebuilding TinyMCE...

Rebuilding Menus...

Rebuilding Include...

Rebuilding ScheduledTasks...

Rebuilding ScheduledTasks...

Rebuilding UserPage...

Rebuilding Utils...

Rebuilding Vardefs...

Rebuilding JSGroupings...

Rebuilding WirelessModuleRegistry...

Rebuilding WirelessLayoutdefs...

Rebuilding TableDictionary...

Rebuilding metadata for clients...

Rebuilding Console...

Rebuilding Platforms...

Rebuilding Platforms...

Installing Images

Installing Relationships

Rebuilding Vardefs...

Rebuilding Layoutdefs...

Installing Bean : lsys_LicenseSystems

Installation failed. See details in sugarcrm.log

There is nothing in the sugarcrm.log

The only error I can find is in the PHP Logs:

[Thu Jul 25 14:37:23.708293 2024] [php7:error] [pid 8356] [client] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'modules/lsys_LicenseSystems/lsys_LicenseSystems.php' (include_path='/var/www/html/sugarcrm:/var/www/html/sugarcrm/vendor:.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/utils/autoloader.php on line 275

On the DEV system where I built the module there is both a custom/modules/lsys_LicenseSystems and a modules/lsys_LicenseSystems
If I unpack the package there is a SugarModules/modules/lsys_LicenseSystems

Permissions are set properly on all the files in DEV as well as the files that are in TST in the upgrades directory module. I also checked the config file and permissions there are as requested in the documentation.

I deleted the package, QRR both systems, recreated and reloaded the package. The result is the same each time.

The TST environment is an exact copy of the DEV environment except for this latest module that I’m trying to install, I don’t believe there are any dependencies of customizations that would make the install fail.

I'm at a loss, any suggestions?

Thank you,

  • Hi  , 

    Thanks for sharing this one. 
    I was scanning for older cases with similar errors and it seems that a FTS index that is outdated might be playing a part on this issue. 
    Could you try reindexing your Global Search and let us know if it allows you loading the module after that. 

    I've also tried to install the package that you've shared in the case and works fine against a stock installation. 
    Let me know if this helps. 



  • You are on to something.

    After your note, I discovered, 14 years of working with sugar and 40 custom modules and I never knew about this... that the installer creates a separate log with much more detail than the log shown in the front end! Face palm tone2

    And there is indeed an error in the log related to Elasticsearch:

    [FATAL] Elasticsearch request failure: analyzer [gs_analyzer_string] not found for field [gs_string] request data: {"properties":{"lsys_LicenseSystems__name":{"type":"keyword","index":false,"fields":{"gs_string":{"type":"text","index":true,"analyzer":"gs_analyzer_string","store":true},"gs_string_wildcard":{"type":"text","index":true,"analyzer":"gs_analyzer_string_ngram

    Never done learning!


  • Likely an Elastic Search version issue, I didn't realize that the supported version changed between subversions of v12 Scream

    and my sysadmin tells me we're way behind on the TST instance (5.6.13)