Sugar 12 to 14 jump?

So I'm finally on Enterprise v12 and pushing hard to upgrade to v14 as quickly as possible.

I'd like to jump from v12 to v14 in a single downtime, I can't afford to keep falling behind.

(OnSite? BEWARE of falling behind, it's a nightmare to catch up!)

The problem I see is that if I interpret things correctly, I need two PHP upgrades:

Compatibility matrix

 **  Sugar Ent 12 Sugar Ent 13 Sugar Ent 14
Version 12.0.5 13.0.3 14.0
PHP 7.4, 8.0 8.0, 8.2 8.2, 8.3
MySQL 5.7, 8.0 (including 8.0.31 or higher) 8.0 (must be 8.0.31 or higher) 8.0.31, 8.1, 8.3
Elastic 7.16.3 8.4.3 8.4.3 (Cloud move to Amazon Open Search 5.6
Elastic moving to $$ model after 8.4.3)

So the path from v12 to v14 would have to be:

Upgrade PHP to 8.0

Upgrade MySQL to 8.0.31

Upgrade Sugar to v13

Upgrade Elastic to 8.4.3

Upgrade PHP to 8.2

Upgrade Sugar to v14


Then before v15 is released likely

Upgrade PHP to 8.2

Upgrade MySQL to 8.3

Change to Amazon Open Search?

Is that correct? In other words, no shortcuts.


PS. I am aware of all the challenges with PHP >= 8.0.31 (still have to look into Rector etc)

  • Hey  

    I'm not sure about the ES upgrade, I'll need to look at that ourselves but we've done the upgrade to 13.0.0, which means we need to jump to 13.0.3 and then to 14.0.0 which we plan to do very soon.

    When we moved from 12.0. 5 to 13.0.0 the documentation did say that it was compatible with 8.2.  This is the version we started with.  We got a stack of errors in the front end and when we began to look at the issues we realised it was in core code.  This was when I started to look at cloud environments and noticed they were running 13 but the PHP version was 7.4.33, once we downgraded PHP all of the errors went away and we raised a case with support to confirm our findings.  Right now we are on 13.0.0 running PHP 7.4.33 and when we move to 14 we'll upgrade PHP then.  It was the easiest thing to do, we've been running like this for 6 months, and our main focus now is to get up to 14 so everything is supported.

