DocMerge with Quote : How to get the list of all "variables / relationships" available within the product bundle loop


I need to create a DocMerge template for the quote module.

I need to create a page for each PRODUCT BUNDLE.

My problem is that, for each page, I need to provide, of course, the lines within the PRODUCT BUNDLE (eays) but also information that are stored at the QUOTE level (for example the quote number, the customer informations etc.).

So if you have either a solution about how to do it or a way to display all possible variables and relationship from the bundle so I can understand how to build the variables name?

Basic template :

Quote name {name}


Bundle name {name}

{#products sort='position:asc'}

QLI amount : total_amount}



What I'd like to do


Quote name {????}

Billing Account {?????}

Bundle name {name}

{#products sort='position:asc'}

QLI amount : total_amount}



