Ent v12 error in Log when accessing Users or Roles list views

In Ent v12 when I access the list view for Users, or Roles modules I get a FATAL error in the logs.

Nothing apparent in the application, everything keeps working as expected, so I'm not sure what to make of this, any thoughts on what may be causing this? I would love to have clean logs for once.

Tue Jun 25 11:09:42 2024 [10257][1][FATAL] scalar expected, "NULL" given
#0 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php(95): SearchForm->_build_field_defs()
#1 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/View/views/view.list.php(186): SearchForm->setup()
#2 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/View/views/view.list.php(128): ViewList->prepareSearchForm()
#3 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/View/views/view.list.php(233): ViewList->listViewPrepare()
#4 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(154): ViewList->display()
#5 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(360): SugarView->process()
#6 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(308): SugarController->processView()
#7 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(205): SugarController->execute()
#8 /var/www/html/sugarcrm/index.php(26): SugarApplication->execute()
#9 {main}



PS. I know v12 is not supported anymore, working on it...

  • Hi  , 

    Thanks for sharing. 
    The reported behaviour is documented as the following issue: 

    #93894 ( portal.sugarondemand.com/

    This issue is solved from version 13.0.1 onwards. 
    For version 12.0.X, the support team was sharing hotfixes in the past but being out of support now, I believe the best path forward would be to work on upgrading to a Supported version to be able to get an hotfix. 

    If you want to check in the code what fixed the problem, you could have a peek on the following files of the newer versions and look for the changes, the files are: 


    I hope this helps



  • Hi  , 

    Thanks for sharing. 
    The reported behaviour is documented as the following issue: 

    #93894 ( portal.sugarondemand.com/

    This issue is solved from version 13.0.1 onwards. 
    For version 12.0.X, the support team was sharing hotfixes in the past but being out of support now, I believe the best path forward would be to work on upgrading to a Supported version to be able to get an hotfix. 

    If you want to check in the code what fixed the problem, you could have a peek on the following files of the newer versions and look for the changes, the files are: 


    I hope this helps


