Issues upgrading Sugar from 13.3.0 to 14.0.0


I have run the upgrade for our local instance to move from Sugar 13.3.0 to 14.0.0. For the stack I am using your repo ( because I have noticed you recently added support for version 14. I have created a "mac" version of the php83.yml file to improve local performance. The main change is that I am using a "delegated" in the docker volumes. When I try to start Sugar is not loading and there is no error in the logs. I have managed to run it switching to the old (php7.4) stack and switching back to the new one but then when I have tried to save some modules the screen get stuck after "Saving" and doesn't show the successfully saved message or redirects. Also I have noticed that the terminal repair function is not working as mentioned in the following thread.

Any ideas please?



  • Hi  ,

    that php83.yml (if you got the latest version) does pull the latest from docker hub that contains amd and arm architectures, so you should be good to go as it is. What kinda of performance improvements you're looking at? delegated volumes are tricky as you may have data loss as it doesnt write to disk right away, so careful..

    Can you please provide me with the exact use case you're going through so I can try to reproduce? perhaps provide us with a full log with the commands would be better.

    Terminal repair is unfortunately still broken at this time, that's why I created simpleRepair.php as a workaround.


    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • HI Rafael, 

    Thanks for the quick response. We have been running this stack so far -> 

    You can see the suggestion from Enrico here ->

    That's why we thought it would be good to have a similar version for this new 14 stack.

    The exact use case is that I had already Sugar version 13.3.0 installed in my local machine and it was up and running. Then I run the upgrade using the silent upgrader as I have done many times previously. After that I tried to start Sugar and it gets stuck in the http://localhost/sugar showing the "Loading..." forever. What stack should I use while running the upgrade? The old one (php7.3) or the new one (php8.3). I can try and run it again if that is going to help.

    Thank you for letting me know about that simpleRepair script. I totally missed it.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi  ,

    I just tested and delegating the volume got me worse results, see below.. if you're not using this in production, you should be good with the basic (that's how we use it here internally), it might've been an issue in the past but I think Docker has improved a lot since.

    As for the issue you're having, 14.0 does not work with PHP7.3 or 7.4.. I'm almost certain that you ran into issues during upgrade and that's how it broke your instance, so please run and upgrade your instance using 13 or 14 stacks and see if that helps..

    not delegated:

    sh-3.2$ ./utilities/ "local:analysis:fsbenchmark --instance ../sugar"
    Executing Toothpaste on SugarDockerized...
    Executing benchmark on the file system...
    Entering ../sugar...
    Performing file system reading benchmark through PHP
    The Sugar system contains 65,327 PHP files and the script will test 130,654 files
    File system reading benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 696,037.75 KB. Read speed benchmark completed in 27.52 seconds.
    Read speed: 25,292.07 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 100,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 20,000 KB/s and 99,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable - Between 5,000 and 19,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 5,000 KB/s
    Performing file system writing benchmark through PHP
    Benchmarking file system write performance by writing and immediately deleting 130654 files.
    The benchmark process might take some time, please wait...
    File system writing benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 875,790.09 KB. Write speed benchmark completed in 68.80 seconds.
    Write speed: 12,729.51 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 60,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 5,000 KB/s and 59,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable (Especially for NFS storage. If the infrastructure does not use NFS, it needs attention already) - Between 1,000 and 4,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 1,000 KB/s
    If you find this software useful, please consider supporting the work that went into it, with a monthly amount
    Please visit the original repo: for details
    Thank you!


    sh-3.2$ ./utilities/ "local:analysis:fsbenchmark --instance ../sugar"
    Executing Toothpaste on SugarDockerized...
    Executing benchmark on the file system...
    Entering ../sugar...
    Performing file system reading benchmark through PHP
    The Sugar system contains 65,327 PHP files and the script will test 130,654 files
    File system reading benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 696,037.75 KB. Read speed benchmark completed in 27.52 seconds.
    Read speed: 25,292.07 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 100,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 20,000 KB/s and 99,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable - Between 5,000 and 19,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 5,000 KB/s
    Performing file system writing benchmark through PHP
    Benchmarking file system write performance by writing and immediately deleting 130654 files.
    The benchmark process might take some time, please wait...
    File system writing benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 875,790.09 KB. Write speed benchmark completed in 68.80 seconds.
    Write speed: 12,729.51 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 60,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 5,000 KB/s and 59,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable (Especially for NFS storage. If the infrastructure does not use NFS, it needs attention already) - Between 1,000 and 4,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 1,000 KB/s

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Hi  ,

    I just tested and delegating the volume got me worse results, see below.. if you're not using this in production, you should be good with the basic (that's how we use it here internally), it might've been an issue in the past but I think Docker has improved a lot since.

    As for the issue you're having, 14.0 does not work with PHP7.3 or 7.4.. I'm almost certain that you ran into issues during upgrade and that's how it broke your instance, so please run and upgrade your instance using 13 or 14 stacks and see if that helps..

    not delegated:

    sh-3.2$ ./utilities/ "local:analysis:fsbenchmark --instance ../sugar"
    Executing Toothpaste on SugarDockerized...
    Executing benchmark on the file system...
    Entering ../sugar...
    Performing file system reading benchmark through PHP
    The Sugar system contains 65,327 PHP files and the script will test 130,654 files
    File system reading benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 696,037.75 KB. Read speed benchmark completed in 27.52 seconds.
    Read speed: 25,292.07 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 100,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 20,000 KB/s and 99,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable - Between 5,000 and 19,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 5,000 KB/s
    Performing file system writing benchmark through PHP
    Benchmarking file system write performance by writing and immediately deleting 130654 files.
    The benchmark process might take some time, please wait...
    File system writing benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 875,790.09 KB. Write speed benchmark completed in 68.80 seconds.
    Write speed: 12,729.51 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 60,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 5,000 KB/s and 59,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable (Especially for NFS storage. If the infrastructure does not use NFS, it needs attention already) - Between 1,000 and 4,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 1,000 KB/s
    If you find this software useful, please consider supporting the work that went into it, with a monthly amount
    Please visit the original repo: for details
    Thank you!


    sh-3.2$ ./utilities/ "local:analysis:fsbenchmark --instance ../sugar"
    Executing Toothpaste on SugarDockerized...
    Executing benchmark on the file system...
    Entering ../sugar...
    Performing file system reading benchmark through PHP
    The Sugar system contains 65,327 PHP files and the script will test 130,654 files
    File system reading benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 696,037.75 KB. Read speed benchmark completed in 27.52 seconds.
    Read speed: 25,292.07 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 100,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 20,000 KB/s and 99,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable - Between 5,000 and 19,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 5,000 KB/s
    Performing file system writing benchmark through PHP
    Benchmarking file system write performance by writing and immediately deleting 130654 files.
    The benchmark process might take some time, please wait...
    File system writing benchmark through PHP completed
    Processed 130,654 files. Loaded their content of 875,790.09 KB. Write speed benchmark completed in 68.80 seconds.
    Write speed: 12,729.51 KB/s
    Indicative comparison data:
    Excellent - Above 60,000 KB/s
    Good - Between 5,000 KB/s and 59,999 KB/s
    Minimum acceptable (Especially for NFS storage. If the infrastructure does not use NFS, it needs attention already) - Between 1,000 and 4,999 KB/s
    Needs attention - Less than 1,000 KB/s

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate
