Since the last update to 13.3.0 one of our pages lost the ability to scroll.
To fix this, I tried to add a custom.less file to the custom/theme folder as stated in the documents with simple styling *{ overflow:scroll } and I uploaded it to the module loader and installed but this didn't work for the page. I also tried to specify the className of the element instead of the wild card * and still nothing.
My next attempt was going to be to edit the .hbs file itself and just add the (overflow:scroll) to the styles on that page directly and then copy it to the location where the original is using the manifest.php copy method...
and do this through the module loader, however, I am worried this could break things. Will doing this just replace the original file or create a second file with the same name and will it cause errors?
How could I make this change, what would be the best approach to make this change without causing issues?
Thanks, Chris