We have licensed Sugar Automate and Sugar Maps on our hosted instances (sandbox/prod). How would I enable those on my local dev environment?
We have licensed Sugar Automate and Sugar Maps on our hosted instances (sandbox/prod). How would I enable those on my local dev environment?
you should be able to download a backup of your sandbox/prod and run it locally and use the same license you have in the cloud.
You can easily use Docker to restore your backup locally by following these steps.
If you did that already, are you having any issues?
Ah. Yes, I'm running a prod backup. Was looking at my 13.10 instance that I've had installed for a while. It has license type: SugarCRM.
I pulled the latest backup to get 13.2 and I see the options for sell, serve, maps, and automate. Think my root problem was we just renewed licenses and added maps/automate and my older install had to old license.
Thanks for the help.