Remove/Hide subpanel edit and unlink button

Hi All,

could you please suggest me how to hide or remove the subpanel "Edit" and "Unlink" button.

Appericate your reply and Thaks in advance

  • You need to extend subpanel-list of your Inventory module.

    If you'll go to your Inventory module "custom/modules/<ModuleName>/clients/base/views/<subpanel-for-linkName>".

    Modify the php file of that view and add an array of "rowactions".

    Sample Code:

    'rowactions' => [
        'actions' => [
                'type' => 'rowaction',
                'css_class' => 'btn',
                'tooltip' => 'LBL_PREVIEW',
                'event' => 'list:preview:fire',
                'icon' => 'sicon-preview',
                'acl_action' => 'view',

    You can refer to modules/Users/clients/base/views/subpanel-list/subpanel-list.php.

  • You need to extend subpanel-list of your Inventory module.

    If you'll go to your Inventory module "custom/modules/<ModuleName>/clients/base/views/<subpanel-for-linkName>".

    Modify the php file of that view and add an array of "rowactions".

    Sample Code:

    'rowactions' => [
        'actions' => [
                'type' => 'rowaction',
                'css_class' => 'btn',
                'tooltip' => 'LBL_PREVIEW',
                'event' => 'list:preview:fire',
                'icon' => 'sicon-preview',
                'acl_action' => 'view',

    You can refer to modules/Users/clients/base/views/subpanel-list/subpanel-list.php.
