Summary Report


I have three drop down fields on Opportunities that have Codes in them - Field A , Field B and Field C - each of these field have the same value list in the dropdown.

I want to run a report on Opportunities and count the no of times a value appears regardless of which field it is selected in.


Opp 1 

Field 1 = A Field 2 = B Field 3 = C

Opp 2 

Field 1 = B Field 2 = D Field 3 = C

Opp 3 

Field 1 = E Field 2 = A Field 3 =B

So My report should show the following count

A = 2

B = 3

C = 2

D = 1

E = 1

If possible it would be great to be able to group by the Values and show the Opps underneath

A = 2

Opp 1

Opp 3

B = 3

Opp 1

Opp 2

Opp 3 


  • Hello  , 

    I was giving this some thought and I think this is possible via custom query using Advanced Reports. 

    You first request of having the count per dropdown value can be accomplished with the following query: 

    SELECT combined_data.value AS FieldValue, COUNT(*) 
    AS Count FROM
    ( SELECT id_c, fielda_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm 
    UNION ALL SELECT id_c, fieldb_c AS value 
    FROM opportunities_cstm
    UNION ALL SELECT id_c, fieldc_c AS value 
    FROM opportunities_cstm ) 
    AS combined_data GROUP BY combined_data.value;

    After inserting it in a SugarCustom Query and use it with an Advanced report it will look something like this: 

    The ability to show the Count and The Opps is a bit trickier, the only way I've found is by printing one row for each Opp, then you will have 5 rows if the A = 5. The query I used is the one bellow: 

        combined_data.value AS FieldValue,
        CONCAT('', AS OpportunityURL,
        subquery.Count AS Count
    FROM (
        SELECT id_c, fielda_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
        UNION ALL
        SELECT id_c, fieldb_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
        UNION ALL
        SELECT id_c, fieldc_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
    ) AS combined_data
    JOIN opportunities ON = combined_data.id_c
    JOIN (
            COUNT(*) AS Count
        FROM (
            SELECT id_c, fielda_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
            UNION ALL
            SELECT id_c, fieldb_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
            UNION ALL
            SELECT id_c, fieldc_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
        ) AS subquery_data
        GROUP BY subquery_data.value
    ) AS subquery
    ON combined_data.value = subquery.value
    ORDER BY combined_data.value;

    Using it in a Advanced Report will look like this

    Let me know if this helps. 



  • Hello  , 

    I was giving this some thought and I think this is possible via custom query using Advanced Reports. 

    You first request of having the count per dropdown value can be accomplished with the following query: 

    SELECT combined_data.value AS FieldValue, COUNT(*) 
    AS Count FROM
    ( SELECT id_c, fielda_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm 
    UNION ALL SELECT id_c, fieldb_c AS value 
    FROM opportunities_cstm
    UNION ALL SELECT id_c, fieldc_c AS value 
    FROM opportunities_cstm ) 
    AS combined_data GROUP BY combined_data.value;

    After inserting it in a SugarCustom Query and use it with an Advanced report it will look something like this: 

    The ability to show the Count and The Opps is a bit trickier, the only way I've found is by printing one row for each Opp, then you will have 5 rows if the A = 5. The query I used is the one bellow: 

        combined_data.value AS FieldValue,
        CONCAT('', AS OpportunityURL,
        subquery.Count AS Count
    FROM (
        SELECT id_c, fielda_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
        UNION ALL
        SELECT id_c, fieldb_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
        UNION ALL
        SELECT id_c, fieldc_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
    ) AS combined_data
    JOIN opportunities ON = combined_data.id_c
    JOIN (
            COUNT(*) AS Count
        FROM (
            SELECT id_c, fielda_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
            UNION ALL
            SELECT id_c, fieldb_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
            UNION ALL
            SELECT id_c, fieldc_c AS value FROM opportunities_cstm
        ) AS subquery_data
        GROUP BY subquery_data.value
    ) AS subquery
    ON combined_data.value = subquery.value
    ORDER BY combined_data.value;

    Using it in a Advanced Report will look like this

    Let me know if this helps. 


