emails subpanel not showing in opportunity record view

Hi All,

I want to display email subpanel on opportunity record view/detail view , but its not showing for opportunity, but shows for Leads module.

Subpanel not available in Studio -> opportunity -> subpanels.

I have enabled Emails module for Navigation and subpanel.

What might be the root cause for the above, please suggest.

Subpanel file available in "custom/modules/Opportunities/metadata/subpanels/Email_subpanel_opportunities.php".

Kindest Regards,


  • I would check the file


    There you can see if there is any contradictory inclusions due to the multiple points where, programatically, can decide wich subpanels to show.

    This file even gives you clues, via comments, on which "extension" file would have produce eventual contradictions

    Have a nice day

  • Dear Juane,

    Thanks for response!

    I have checked file at location "custom/modules/Opportunities/Ext/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/subpanels.ext.php" but there no code related to Emails.

    Can you please suggest what I have to add to enable Emails module in opportunity?

    Kindest Regards,


  • HI

    Here's what a checked in my Sugacrm v12 devel environment

    - Try to find a type = link entry for "emails" in cache/modules/Opportunities/Opportunityvardefs.php

        array (
          'name' => 'emails',
          'type' => 'link',
          'relationship' => 'emails_opportunities_rel',
          'source' => 'non-db',
          'vname' => 'LBL_EMAILS',

    - Create a file based in this entry in custom/Extension/modules/Opportunities/Ext/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/opportunity_emails.php

    $viewdefs['Opportunities']['base']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][] = array (
        'label' => 'LBL_YOUNAMEIT',
        'context' =>
        array (
            'link' => 'emails',
        'layout' => 'subpanel',

    BUT it didn't work

    then a followed the relationship emais_opportunities_rel and didn't found any occurrence.
    Shouldn't it be 'opportunity_emails'?

    detailed as

        array (
          'lhs_module' => 'Opportunities',
          'lhs_table' => 'opportunities',
          'lhs_key' => 'id',
          'rhs_module' => 'Emails',
          'rhs_table' => 'emails',
          'rhs_key' => 'parent_id',
          'relationship_type' => 'one-to-many',
          'relationship_role_column' => 'parent_type',
          'relationship_role_column_value' => 'Opportunities',

    I'll do some research and come back later.


  • I tried this in a Opportunities' vardef to to check my theory, but no luck at all

    $dictionary['Opportunity']['fields']['emails']['relationship']= 'opportunity_emails';

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