Cross-Field updates


Would it be possible to set-up cross-field updates on the same Module. 

We are updating Comment Log weekly, and it does show a great summary on the Opportunity, but cannot be added to the List view. 

We also have a Next Steps field that is a Text field that can be added to the List view. 

Is it possible to set up a BPM in the following way: when a new comment is added in the Comment Log that comment will be added to Next Steps field and replace the old comment? 

Thank you!


Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    The best current resource you can review is the Developer Guide for your release of Sugar. That likely won't be as helpful if you are less familiar with developing in Sugar. It appears the developer content on SugarU is currently under revision to be aligned with Sugar's latest release so you don't have many options to go through a course format.

    Developing custom logic hooks requires a strong understanding of the PHP language. If you haven't developed using PHP before, I recommend building that foundation first. 

    If you decide that you would rather have someone else build the solution you seek, we specialize in building those solutions. We would be happy to provide an estimate on the work if your company is US-based. If your company is based in a country other than the US, you can find experienced, local partners through Sugar's site to assist in the project.

