Timestamp field for a Dropdown filed - change in value


I created a timestamp calculated field to see the date when Lead Status changes from A to B, however the timestamp field does not return any values. Here is the formula I added: 


I think the issue is with the (toString(now()))), that's why the field does not return any values - do you know what I could change it to? The goal is to get a full date DDMMYYYY when lead status changes from A to B. 

Thank you, 


  • Hi ,

    Sugar Logic is not how I would recommend solving this use case since Sugar Logic evaluates on every save of the record and isn't useful for capturing when a specific event occurred historically. If you are looking to capture when a lead changes from a specific status to another status, SugarBPM is better suited to capture that change event. Your start event would be set to trigger on all updates on the record and have triggers configured like the following:

    Then, you would have the start event lead into an action to set the desired date field to current date:

    If you are looking to visualize the last time the lead status changed from any value, I recommend looking into our Upsert Last Modified By plugin as it provides a clean presentation of when and who last changed the field. The plugin allows you to have this information easily displayed on the record view for any audited field in Sugar. This plugin saves you having to create a separate field and process definition to house the change event data if your primary goal is giving your users contextual information about when a field was last changed. 


  • Thank you for the explanation! 

    With that method would I be able to see the timestamp as a field on a lead? And, will it be possible to create a report e.g.: show me Leads with SQL status (SQL status timestamp = last 3 months)?



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