Dear All,
Adding 3 dependent drop-down in my project with the help of coding in PHP . my current drop-down having 3 list items and currently working on depends only one but I want to change in drop-down depends on rest another category.
Dear All,
Adding 3 dependent drop-down in my project with the help of coding in PHP . my current drop-down having 3 list items and currently working on depends only one but I want to change in drop-down depends on rest another category.
Dear Suraj,
Did you tried doing it through Studio in SugarCRM. If not can you please go through this link and see if it can help you.
If not please let us know what exactly you are trying to do so we can see how it can be done.
Hope this information helps you:)
Thanks and Regards,
Senior Solution Engineer.
Thanks Poojitha for your response,
I want to solution to dropdown Listing based on two parent dropdown condition
scenario- i have 3 Drop Down 1-categeory 2-Subcategeory 3- application office
current fun-: subcategory dropdown list is shows based on category and application office list of dropdown shows on subcategory as per my current functionality.
but now i want application office Dropdown list of value based on both category and subcategory list of some values or conditions.