After Upgrade 11.0 to 12.00 getting Error

Dear Team,

I have Upgraded our sugar CRM 11.03 to 12.00 & we are Getting CRM after login screen (

HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error

Unknown error.

Please help what can i do for this issue 

  • We have CRM Logs.

    Unknown column 'outbound_email.preferred_sending_account' in 'field list'
    Wed Jan 25 18:08:02 2023 [29369][1][FATAL] An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT, outbound_email.eapm_id,, outbound_email.type, outbound_email.user_id,
    outbound_email.email_address_id, outbound_email.authorized_account, outbound_email.mail_authtype, outbound_email.reply_to_name, outbound_email.reply_to_email_address_id, outbound_email.mail_sendtype, outbound_email.mail_smtptype,
    outbound_email.mail_smtpserver, outbound_email.mail_smtpport, outbound_email.mail_smtpuser, outbound_email.mail_smtppass, outbound_email.mail_smtpauth_req, outbound_email.mail_smtpssl, outbound_email.preferred_sending_account, outbound_email.deleted,
    outbound_email.team_id, outbound_email.team_set_id, outbound_email.acl_team_set_id, tn_name, teams_tn.name_2 tn_name_2, case when IS NOT NULL then 1 else 0 end my_favorite FROM outbound_email LEFT JOIN teams teams_tn ON
    (outbound_email.team_id = AND (teams_tn.deleted = ?) LEFT JOIN sugarfavorites outboundemail_favorite ON ( = outboundemail_favorite.record_id) AND (outboundemail_favorite.deleted = ?) AND (outboundemail_favorite.module = ?) AND
    (outboundemail_favorite.created_by = ?) LEFT JOIN users jt0_favorite_link ON ( = outboundemail_favorite.modified_user_id) AND (jt0_favorite_link.deleted = ?) WHERE ( = ?) AND (outbound_email.deleted = ?) LIMIT 1'
    with params [0, "0", "OutboundEmail", "1", 0, "a93c9252-b1ca-11e9-85f8-02a401d5b724", 0]:


  • You could also try upgrading to 12.0.2 via silent upgrade and check the status then.

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