Dear All,
We want to find out Process Email Templates used in each BPM, can you please suggest best way to find Process Definitions Associated Process Email Templates.
Dear All,
We want to find out Process Email Templates used in each BPM, can you please suggest best way to find Process Definitions Associated Process Email Templates.
Hello shreya dalvi,
From the Sugar graphic interface, you'll need to navigate to the Designer of your Process Definition and open the settings of each Message event to see the related Process Email Template name.
If you have access to the Database I believe you can list all the Process Email Templates related to a given Process Definition ID with the following query:
SELECT def.prj_id as ProcessDefinitionID,def.evn_criteria as EmailTemplateID , as EmailTemplateName FROM pmse_bpm_event_definition def, pmse_emails_templates templ WHERE def.prj_id='<ProcessDefinitionID>' AND;
Can you give it a try and let me know if this works for you?
I hope this helps.
Dear ,
Thanks for the response, I m trying to get process definition name, please check below query:
SELECT def.pro_id as ProcessDefinitionID, as ProcessDefinitionName,def.evn_criteria as EmailTemplateID , as EmailTemplateName
FROM pmse_project
LEFT JOIN pmse_bpm_event_definition def
ON def.pro_id =
LEFT JOIN pmse_emails_templates templ
ON = def.evn_criteria
WHERE pmse_project.prj_status = 'ACTIVE' AND pmse_project.deleted = 0;
Above query is not working...
Dear ,
Thanks for the response, I m trying to get process definition name, please check below query:
SELECT def.pro_id as ProcessDefinitionID, as ProcessDefinitionName,def.evn_criteria as EmailTemplateID , as EmailTemplateName
FROM pmse_project
LEFT JOIN pmse_bpm_event_definition def
ON def.pro_id =
LEFT JOIN pmse_emails_templates templ
ON = def.evn_criteria
WHERE pmse_project.prj_status = 'ACTIVE' AND pmse_project.deleted = 0;
Above query is not working...
Hello shreya dalvi,
There was a typo on my query that you copied into yours, on the Select it should be def.prj_id instead of def.pro_id.
I corrected it and added a line to exclude rows with empty template names. Let me know if this works for you.
SELECT def.prj_id as ProcessDefinitionID, as ProcessDefinitionName,def.evn_criteria as EmailTemplateID , as EmailTemplateName FROM pmse_project LEFT JOIN pmse_bpm_event_definition def ON def.prj_id = LEFT JOIN pmse_emails_templates templ ON = def.evn_criteria WHERE pmse_project.prj_status = 'ACTIVE' AND pmse_project.deleted = 0 AND IS NOT NULL;