How to throw and cach Logic Hook errors/exceptions and send error messages to log/GUI?


I just wrote my frist Logic Hook, to clean and stardise the Accounts names (Company names) with a before save hook, like this:

    class Clean
        function CleanName($bean, $event, $arguments)
           $companyname = $bean->name;
           $companyname = ucwords(strtolower(trim(str_replace('"',' ',$companyname))));
           $bean->name = $companyname;


Im curious what happens if there is an error in the variable and the logic hook cant run as expected? In this case i will never know where is the error if I cant get an error message from the logic hook.

How to throw error message to the screen , or if it simplier directly to the sugar log like this:

206.08.05. 09:17 - Error: "Custom Logic Hook function called CleanName casused error".

Asked the support, they said the to the log I can write like this:

$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("yourname: whatever");

But I dont know how to implement for this Logic Hook (never done before )

Im under Sugar 7.7.1. Enterprise.

Thank You for Your Help!



  • Hi Arnand, 

    Depends what you want to log, but you can use the log line above directly in the logic hook:

        class Clean
            function CleanName($bean, $event, $arguments)
               $companyname = $bean->name;
               $companyname = ucwords(strtolower(trim(str_replace('"',' ',$companyname))));
               $bean->name = $companyname;
               $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Some error occured. The $bean is: ".print_r($bean,true));



    Is that what you meant? If not can you clarify your exact usecase?

  • Hi Arnand, 

    Depends what you want to log, but you can use the log line above directly in the logic hook:

        class Clean
            function CleanName($bean, $event, $arguments)
               $companyname = $bean->name;
               $companyname = ucwords(strtolower(trim(str_replace('"',' ',$companyname))));
               $bean->name = $companyname;
               $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Some error occured. The $bean is: ".print_r($bean,true));



    Is that what you meant? If not can you clarify your exact usecase?
