Custom Filters in Reports

We are working on Reports implementation to add new report filters for the date filters as shown in the below link.

We are able to copy the code from  include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetFielddatetime.php to custom/ include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetFielddatetime.php and the code is reflecting in backend.

When we are trying to add front end implementation in custom/modules/Reports/templates/templates_modules_def_js.php the code is accepting the below path modules/Reports/templates/templates_modules_def_js.php and changed the file path for the require once in custom/modules/Reports/Report.php but in below files we have to change to custom directory.

When we added the code in main directory and it has worked as shown in screenshot.

Report' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/modules/Reports/Report.php',
 './modules/Reports/Report.php' => '104571b868105eb003804dd3126f7caa',
 'Report' => $baseDir . '/modules/Reports/Report.php',


We have tried following this question but no success.

 Any suggestions on on this implementation?