Using business process definitions to manipulate read-only fields

Hi all,

I have a status field that I want to be read-only (so users can't manipulate it) and have the value changed by business process definitions only.  This doesn't seem to be possible.  Business process definitions are denied the ability to manipulate fields if they're read only.  I cannot understand the reason for this.  

Any advice much appreciated.



  • Hi Dave,

    I've made an experiment - set up a new Role and named it ReadOnlyRole, then specified the custom field Account Status as "Read Only" for that role and assigned ReadOnlyUser to that role.

    Then I've designed a Process Definition that sets Account Status to Processed when Account Type is set to Customer

    Now, suppose I log in as ReadOnlyUser and edit the Account record - set Type to Customer. In that case, on record save the Status field is updated automatically  -with Process - despite the fact that the Status is non-editable for the ReadOnlyUser user in the UI:

    Is that what you are looking for?

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi Dmytro,

    I believe your suggested approach would work.  In the intervening absence of such an idea, I have implemented Chris Raffle's suggestion of a hidden field. Not as slick as your solution but sufficient for my current needs.

    Thanks for your interest and efforts.


    Dave Hodgman

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