What file is used to create the compose email in sugar 6.5?

I want to customize the From and To parameters during email composition, but I don't know what file is used to create the compose email form. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Also I want to customize the From and To when sending the invoice trough email from the invoice module.

Thank you

  • Hi Rodolfo,

    I would check modules/Emails/Compose.php file for the functionality changes. There is a function called initFullCompose. I'm not actually sure what you wanna change but this should be the right place to start.

    If you wanna make some view changes, it should be in the modules/Emails/views/ folder. All the templates are begin read from this folder. You should have the view the changes. If i don't remember wrong there are multiple compose window design, so you need to investigate that.

    Last, if you want to send some files. You should be able to do it by customising modules/Emails/Save.php

    I hope these informations help.

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer

  • Hi Rodolfo,

    I would check modules/Emails/Compose.php file for the functionality changes. There is a function called initFullCompose. I'm not actually sure what you wanna change but this should be the right place to start.

    If you wanna make some view changes, it should be in the modules/Emails/views/ folder. All the templates are begin read from this folder. You should have the view the changes. If i don't remember wrong there are multiple compose window design, so you need to investigate that.

    Last, if you want to send some files. You should be able to do it by customising modules/Emails/Save.php

    I hope these informations help.

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer
