What are your "top 10" developer how to questions?

I am restarting my developer newsletter, blog. What would you like to know how to do? Once, I have some content, I'll post how to subscribe.

  • Hi  ,

    here are some topics that are intersting for me 

    • how to extend Sugar BPM with a custom Action with custom parameters (for instance, call an external REST API with specific parameters)
    • what is the best way to alert the user that something went wrong after a hook execution (for instance, an aftersave hook that failed because the external system canno't be reach ; the best way would be a popup...)
    • how to manage B2C/B2C customer with Sugar
    • how to manage files with Sugar Cloud instance (for instance a custom action to upload specific files that must be read to create / update some records)

    Many thanks,


  • Hi  ,

    here are some topics that are intersting for me 

    • how to extend Sugar BPM with a custom Action with custom parameters (for instance, call an external REST API with specific parameters)
    • what is the best way to alert the user that something went wrong after a hook execution (for instance, an aftersave hook that failed because the external system canno't be reach ; the best way would be a popup...)
    • how to manage B2C/B2C customer with Sugar
    • how to manage files with Sugar Cloud instance (for instance a custom action to upload specific files that must be read to create / update some records)

    Many thanks,


  • great questions. I will do my best to address them. My thoughts

    • Adding custom actions to SugarBPM can be done, I can provide some examples
    • I would use notifications, instead of an alert. Notifications are the number icon at the top of the screen
    • Can you expand on what you would like to know about managing B2C other than turning off the requirement of Accounts in certain modules? There is a config parameter to turn off the requirement of accounts.
    • Can you please provide more details on your use case?