What is the proper way to target a button event?

Hello. I am trying to add a button to the "+" menu in Quotes, left hand side, where you add a QLI line, a comment etc.

The button is added in custom/modules/Quotes/clients/base/views/quote-data-grand-totals-header/quote-data-grand-totals-header.php like this:

'placeholder'=>'Custom pricing ALL',
'label'=>'Custom pricing ALL',
to the viewdef array.

As you can see, the button is named: custom_pricing_bulk. When I try to attach an on click event to it using:
it fails to trigger
extendsFrom: "QuotesQuoteDataGrandTotalsHeaderView",
initialize: function(options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
this.context.on('button:custom_pricing_bulk:click', this._onCustomPricingBulk, this);

Alternatively, I also tried:
options.def.events = _.extend({}, options.def.events, {
  'click [name="custom_pricing_bulk"]': '_onCustomPricingBulk'
this._super('initialize', [options]);

but no luck. Where have I went wrong?
Parents Reply
  • Update: I made it working, sledgehammer style:

    extendsFrom: "QuotesQuoteDataGrandTotalsHeaderView",
    events: {
    'click [name="create_qli_button"]': '_onCreateQLIBtnClicked',
    'click [name="create_comment_button"]': '_onCreateCommentBtnClicked',
    'click [name="create_group_button"]': '_onCreateGroupBtnClicked',
    'click [name="custom_pricing_bulk"]': '_onCustomPricingBulk'
    _onCustomPricingBulk:function (evt)
    console.log("On custom pricing bulk click");
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