Scheduled reports - Every month instead of every 4 weeks


My problem is simple : we want to schedule a report to be send every month and not every 4 weeks.

I am sure we are not the only one to face this issue but, today, I don't find an easy well to solve it.

Best wishes,


  • Just to add that we have the same question...   

    Surely this is something that SugarCRM can update...   When 11.3.0 arrives we can now attach a .csv to a scheduled report, so that is a great addition.  This seems like the logical next step.

    Every 4 weeks makes no sense and ends up out of sync with the months...   I have to schedule things for every week and ask folk to ignore what they don't want!  But it still really ought to tie in with months and quarters at least.  At best maybe do it like CRON?

    Salesforce can do every month, and more...  (just sayin' Yum)

    How can we formely request this? Raise a case?

    It must be a really common issue?  I expect like me most admin's just run the report and email it to folk at the right time!


  • Hi Luke,

    We have also the same "problem" to send a report every month instead of every 4 weeks ... this is a simple thing and that's a pity this has never been put on the top of the backlog.

    I think if we all raise a case as Enhancement Request maybe we can have a chance to get this implemented in a few releases... :-)

    Best regards,


  • Hi ... DONE :-)

    I raised a case as per the following:

    Suppose it would also be good to vote up on the Bugs too?   But I will settle for some report schedule updates instead ;-)...    All this said, I do like alot of the features comning in 11.3.0.   I am very pleased with Sugar's progress..  this is not a cpomplaint y any means...  just what it says on the tin: an enhancement request.

    My case:

    Dear Support..

    It would be really beneficial to chose a date like 1st of every month when sheduling a report. or nth of evry nth month, a bit like cron I suppose.

    I found these which also relate:

    79010 Scheduled Report: Offer More Frequent Time Interval Options" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
    63288 Scheduled Reports Should Have Month/Year or Irregular Period Options" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">

    It would also be amazing to be able to:
    - send from the user OR the system email (to have a the choice).
    - to add the TO email manually, and it not need to be an existing sugar user.
    Not everyone in our business has a sugar licence, but some reports from CRM will really benefit them. Like returns reports for engineering, for one example.

    Hopefully this is a nice way to get Sugar eyes on this enhancement.

    Thanks Enes.

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