Hi there !
I want to use the updateParams function, but it doesn't work on custom fields for custom tables, for example I want to update a field named status_proc_c on the table cases_cstm, but after debugging I noticed that the field isn't considered because it has the key source and it is not of type db :
if (isset($fieldDef['source']) && $fieldDef['source'] != 'db') { continue; }
Here is the code I tried to execute :
global $db; $fieldDefs = $GLOBALS['dictionary']['Case']['fields']; $db_return = $db->updateParams('cases_cstm', $fieldDefs, array( 'status_proc_c' => 'status_proc_refused' ), array( 'id_c' => $taskBean->parent_id, ) );
Is there a way to bypass that ? That's a pity if we can only set the values for the principal table.
I checked on this article written by Matt Marum for my searches sugarclub.sugarcrm.com/.../use-of-prepared-statements-in-sugar-7-9
Thanks in advance for your feedback !
Have a nice and safe day,