Showing task date and time in the activity and history subpanels

Hello developers,

i noticed that the calls and meetings in the Activity and History subpanels are showing Date and time,

but the Tasks are shown without the time (only date).

how can i display the time of the Tasks in the activity and history subpanels?


I'm familiar with SugarCRM coding.

searched inside Modules/Tasks/metadata/subpanels/ForActivities.php but couldn't find anything. not even in the vardefs file...

Using CE 6.5.13 version.

  • Hi, Doesn't anyone know how to add the time to the 'start_date' of tasks in the activity subpanel??

    Its suppose to be basic coding because the problem occurs in the basic install of sugarcrm CE....

    Other 'start_date' , like calls and meetings, does show it...

    we cannot use the task module otherwise, we really need it...


  • Wow! You really have an in-depth understanding in sugarcrm coding.

    i have been coding sugarcrm for 5 years and would never think of such solution.

    Thank you so much!!

  • Thank you.

    You are welcome!

    Thanks & Regards,

    Team Urdhva Tech

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