Showing task date and time in the activity and history subpanels

Hello developers,

i noticed that the calls and meetings in the Activity and History subpanels are showing Date and time,

but the Tasks are shown without the time (only date).

how can i display the time of the Tasks in the activity and history subpanels?


I'm familiar with SugarCRM coding.

searched inside Modules/Tasks/metadata/subpanels/ForActivities.php but couldn't find anything. not even in the vardefs file...

Using CE 6.5.13 version.

Parents Reply
  • Hello Asaf,

    I debugged and found that it can be achieved but it's an un-upgradesafe change. In Task.php there is a function formatStartAndDueDates


    (A) $today = $timedate->nowDbDate(); TO $today = $timedate->nowDb();

    (B) $task_fields['DATE_DUE'] = $timedate->to_display_date($dbtime); TO $task_fields['DATE_DUE'] = $timedate->to_display_date_time($dbtime);

    (C) $dd = $timedate->to_db_date($date_due, false); TO $dd = $timedate->to_db($date_due, false);

    Hope this will help.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Team Urdhva Tech.

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