Deleted records still showing in search

I have an `after_delete` logic hook for `Accounts` such that it delete all associated `Notes` and `Contacts`. Here is the hook:

class DeleteAssociatedRecords {

function delete_associated_records( $bean, $event, $arguments ) {

$accountId = $bean->id;
// Delete related contacts. Notes cannot be queried this way for reasons unknown.
if ($bean->load_relationship('contacts')) {
//Fetch related beans
$relatedBeans = $bean->contacts->getBeans();

foreach( $relatedBeans as $index=>$relation ) {

// And now, delete related notes.
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Notes');

$sql = new SugarQuery();
$sql->Where()->equals('parent_id', $accountId)->equals('parent_type', 'Accounts');

$result = $sql->execute();

foreach( $result as $index=>$relation ) {
$noteId = $relation['id'];
$noteBean = BeanFactory::getBean('Notes', $noteId);


The hook deletes the associated records as expected, but we're noticing that the deleted Contacts and Notes still show up in global search results, while the deleted Accounts are not returned.

Is there some extra step I'm missing to make sure deleted Notes and Contacts are not returned by global search?

  • Hi,

    It looks like your Elastic Search Index not running, Please check scheduler and re-index Elastic Search.

    Ashish Dwivedi ( CTO at Outright Store).

  • What ended up happening was:  I had changed from a before_delete hook to an after_delete, but then didn't run Quick Repair and Rebuild, and so the logic hook was not running. In other words:  search was accurate because the records were still present in SugarCRM.