Process Definition not Triggered from $bean->save()

Hi everyone.

I am struggling to figure out why, but a process definition that uses the "Changes" method is not firing when a logic hook is using $bean->save(). The changes is a simple "No to Yes" but when saving the record it doesn't go into the processes.

I tried doing:

$dataChanges = $bean->dataChanges;
$bean->dataChanges = $dataChanges;

But seemingly had no luck. Has anyone seen this before?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Maryam.

    The function "checkForAcpFieldChanges" uses stored rows to check if data has changed:


    if ((isset($bean->stored_fetched_row_c) && $bean->stored_fetched_row_c["$crmField"] != $bean->$crmField) && $bean->acp_update_c != 1) 
    						$bean->acp_update_c = 1;

    I think I understand what you are saying now, but how do I set the $bean to recognise a field change without calling $bean->save() in the after save?
