Where to call and how to call SugarCRM API for CRUD operation


I am using sugar enterprise.

Where to call and how to call API in sugarcrm.I have both A and B instances, on Sugar Ent

I need to create a record in Instance A, account module same time that record should be create in Instance B, account module.

I created mytestcallA.php file where i put below code:


$url = "">mytest.sugarondemand.com/.../rest.php";  //Instance B's URL
$username = "xyz.xyz";
$password = "pass@12";

//function to make cURL request
function call($method, $parameters, $url)
$curl_request = curl_init();

curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0);
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);

$jsonEncodedData = json_encode($parameters);

$post = array(
"method" => $method,
"input_type" => "JSON",
"response_type" => "JSON",
"rest_data" => $jsonEncodedData

curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$result = curl_exec($curl_request);

$result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $result, 2);
$response = json_decode($result[1]);

return $response;

//login ------------------------------
$login_parameters = array(
"user_auth" => array(
"user_name" => $username,
"password" => md5($password),
"version" => "1"
"application_name" => "RestTest",
"name_value_list" => array(),

$login_result = call("login", $login_parameters, $url);

/* echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";*/

//get session id
$session_id = $login_result->id;


Is above file code is correct for login?

Please help me.

Thank you

  • Hi Shivshankar,

    If you're using the latest APIs, you can use oauth2 tokens for your requests.

    To acquire a new token you could do something like this:

    curl -X POST -H Cache-Control:no-cache -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ 
    }' https:/<site_url>/rest/<version>/oauth2/token
    ==== RESPONSE
        "access_token": "5ee48ec7-023e-ecff-5184-530bd0358868",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "scope": null,
        "refresh_token": "5f197357-0167-f7a6-7912-530bd03275b6",
        "refresh_expires_in": 1209600,
        "download_token": "5f531625-e301-e3ea-1b11-530bd098be41"

    With that token you can add as a header for your subsequent requests.

        headers: {
          'content-type' : 'application/json', 
          'OAuth-Token' : '<token_from_oauth2>'

    Check out SugarCRM's integration guide and our CRUD docs too.


    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Thank You for your valuable response Refael Fernandes !

    Can you please mention, where to call below code ,I mean path,

    Should i create a new file for that or call on any action of account like save?


    curl -X POST -H Cache-Control:no-cache -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    }' https:/<site_url>/rest/<version>/oauth2/token


    Thank You

  • Hi Shiv,

    This snippet is a CURL post directly to the URL, you could definitely take that and translate it to PHP/Node or whatever you're using.

    In PHP, would be something like this (it's a working code I did it here real quick):

    // The data to send to the API
    $postData = array(
        'grant_type' => 'password',
        'client_id' => 'sugar',
        'client_secret' => '',
        'username' => 'YOUR_USER',
        'password' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
        'platform' => 'base'
    // Create the context for the request
    $context = stream_context_create(array(
        'http' => array(
            // http://www.php.net/manual/en/context.http.php
            'method' => 'POST',
            'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n",
            'content' => json_encode($postData)
    // Send the request
    $response = file_get_contents('http://YOUR_URL/sugar/rest/v11_13/oauth2/token', FALSE, $context);
    // Check for errors
    if($response === FALSE){
    // Decode the response
    $responseData = json_decode($response, TRUE);
    // Print the access token from the response
    echo $responseData['access_token'];

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Thank You so much Refael Fernandes for your extreme support.

  • Hi Refael Fernandes,

    I need to understand completely,

    Can you explain me step by step.

    Our requirement is,  Whenever accounts creates in child crm it should create record in master crm (both the instances are on sugar 11.2.0 verson )

