Button or link to convert lead to opportunity from list view

Anyone know how to edit lead list view so one of the columns has a button or link that you can click on to convert the lead to an opportunity instead of having to go into detail view and do it?

  • Hi Jeff,

    There are probably a few ways you could do this, but here's the way I was able to get it working. First, create a custom TextField (I named mine "Convert Link"). Then, create two logic hooks. Here is my custom/modules/Leads/logic_hooks.php file:

    $hook_version = 1;
    $hook_array = Array();
    $hook_array['before_save'] = Array();
    $hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(1, 'Populate Convert Link', 'custom/modules/Leads/LeadsLogicHooks.php', 'LeadsLogicHooks', 'before_save_method');
    $hook_array['process_record'][] = Array(1, 'Format Convert Link', 'custom/modules/Leads/LeadsLogicHooks.php', 'LeadsLogicHooks', 'process_record_method');

    And here is my custom/modules/Leads/LeadsLogicHooks.php file:

    if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
    class LeadsLogicHooks
        function before_save_method($bean, $event, $arguments)
            if(empty($bean->convert_link_c)) {
                // Replace {site_url} with the actual URL to your Sugar instance
                $bean->convert_link_c = 'http://{site_url}/index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record=' . $bean->id;
        function process_record_method($bean, $event, $arguments)
            if(!empty($bean->convert_link_c)) {
                $bean->convert_link_c = '<a href="' . $bean->convert_link_c . '">Convert</a>';

    Note that the Convert link won't show up for existing Leads until they have been saved (allowing the before_save logic hook to run), but all new Leads should have it show up right away. I hope that helps!


  • My logic_hooks.php file already has similar code in it for another function and says the file will be rebuilt? (I am running CE version, actually SuiteCRM fork)

    // Do not store anything in this file that is not part of the array or the hook version.  This file will

    // be automatically rebuilt in the future.

    $hook_version = 1;

    $hook_array = Array();

    // position, file, function

    $hook_array['before_save'] = Array();

    $hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(1, 'Leads push feed', 'modules/Leads/SugarFeeds/LeadFeed.php','LeadFeed', 'pushFeed');

    $hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(77, 'updateGeocodeInfo', 'modules/Leads/LeadsJjwg_MapsLogicHook.php','LeadsJjwg_MapsLogicHook', 'updateGeocodeInfo');

    $hook_array['after_save'] = Array();

    $hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(77, 'updateRelatedMeetingsGeocodeInfo', 'modules/Leads/LeadsJjwg_MapsLogicHook.php','LeadsJjwg_MapsLogicHook', 'updateRelatedMeeti$

  • Hi Jeff,

    You are right - the proper way to add the logic hook would be to create a file here: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/LogicHooks/<file>.php

    This would just contain the one line (per logic hook) where the $hook_array is defined (for example, lines 5-6 of my example code above). Then you can run a Quick Repair and have it automatically added to the logic_hooks.php file. I hope that helps!


  • Hi Jeff,

    You are right - the proper way to add the logic hook would be to create a file here: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/LogicHooks/<file>.php

    This would just contain the one line (per logic hook) where the $hook_array is defined (for example, lines 5-6 of my example code above). Then you can run a Quick Repair and have it automatically added to the logic_hooks.php file. I hope that helps!

