Where does the Change Column in ListView file can be located?

Hi All,

Where does the php file resides at the gear Change [Check/Uncheck] the column in the listview of the record?



  • That's actually stored in the the Handlebars template, not PHP metadata. You can find the reference to in ./clients/base/views/flex-list/flex-list.hbs, around line 57, should look something like this:

                        <button class="btn btn-invisible" data-toggle="dropdown" rel="tooltip" title="{{str 'LBL_COLUMNS'}}" data-placement="bottom" data-action="fields-toggle" track="click:morecol"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i></button>

  • That's actually stored in the the Handlebars template, not PHP metadata. You can find the reference to in ./clients/base/views/flex-list/flex-list.hbs, around line 57, should look something like this:

                        <button class="btn btn-invisible" data-toggle="dropdown" rel="tooltip" title="{{str 'LBL_COLUMNS'}}" data-placement="bottom" data-action="fields-toggle" track="click:morecol"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i></button>
