Making preview admin only in subpanel also removes edit and delete

I have a couple of modules where I want Users to make edits/additions ONLY via subpanel view on a parent module.

I have removed the Modules from the Mega Menu by putting them in the "Hidden Modules"  but users can still get there if they use Preview and click on the Name which then shows the module in the Mega Menu with all it's options, including List View and Create options.

So I hid the Preview button from everyone but admin by setting the acl_action:

  'rowactions' =>
  array (
    'actions' =>
    array (
      0 =>
      array (
        'type' => 'rowaction',
        'css_class' => 'btn',
        'tooltip' => 'LBL_PREVIEW',
        'event' => 'list:preview:fire',
        'icon' => 'fa-eye',
        'acl_action' => 'admin',
        'allow_bwc' => false,
      1 =>
      array (
        'type' => 'rowaction',
        'name' => 'edit_button',
        'icon' => 'fa-pencil',
        'label' => 'LBL_EDIT_BUTTON',
        'event' => 'list:editrow:fire',
        'acl_action' => 'edit',
        'allow_bwc' => false,
      2 =>
      array (
        'type' => 'rowaction',
        'name' => 'delete_button',
        'label' => 'LBL_DELETE_BUTTON',
        'event' => 'list:deleterow:fire',
        'acl_action' => 'delete',

However, the system also hides the Edit and Delete.

Any thoughts as to why?
