Workflow conversion to BPM - URL Fields not working in BPM but do in old Workflow

Hi everyone.

I am converting one of our old workflows into the new BPM. However on this we use alt text plus a link to feed into our survey feature.

On the old workflow we do the following:


And link that into a href as follows:

<a href="http://[URL].com/?=9&amp;nme={::future::Opportunities::contacts_opportunities_1::first_name::}%20{::future::Opportunities::contacts_opportunities_1::last_name::}&amp;clt={::future::Opportunities::accounts::name::}&amp;bnd={::future::Opportunities::brand_c::}&amp;prjnam={::future::Opportunities::name::}&amp;prjno={::future::Opportunities::auto_number::}&amp;mmrnam={::future::Opportunities::csd_team_c::}&amp;oppno={::future::Opportunities::id::}">CSQ LINK</a>

However when putting this into the new BPM email templates, the link doesn't replace the fields with the data, unless I put the link outside of a link and onto the main body:


This returns what I would expect - 

http://[URL]?l=9&nme=&clt=Test Company&bnd=&prjnam=testestest&prjno=303521&mmrnam=Chestnut New but it's unclickable.

The above paragraph works fine, but we want to re-use it as a <a> tag so the customers can just click. I have converted it to the "new" style as well and have the same issue:


Can anyone help?

