Add Quote like functionality to the Custom Module

I need to create a module exactly same as quote module with all functionality of quote module

My Custom Module name is "Order Form"

Quote & "Order Form" will be related as 1 to Many  i.e 1 "Quote" : Many "Order Form"

Product and "Order Form" will be "Related" to each other as 1 to Many i.t 1 Order Form : Many Products

Product Bundle and "Order Form" will be "Related" to each other as 1 to Many i.t 1 Order Form : Many Product Bundles

The record & create layout and functionality of "Order Form" module will be same as quote module, with product and product bundle line item [qli] on the record and create view

the functionality I require is


on Quote Module

if quote record status is accepted Then I need to enable a button/action-menu on quote record view as "Create Order"  else hide button "Create Order"

When "Create Order" button is click then it should get all quote fields data and open/navigate to "Order Form" module create view and auto fill all the data and also should auto fill all the quote line item data should be auto filled n the "Order Form"

When Order form is saved then Product Bundles & Product records of Quote Line Item should have the created Order Form Record Id in the related field.


When user clicks on "Create Order Form" for the Module Menu then

Create View of the module should open and when user select the Quote Record on Quote Related Field then all the data of quote should be auto populated with quote line item data auto filled on the lien Item Panel

  • What is the business reason for using a new custom module, instead of just using status/type on the Quotes module? - and a different pdf template if needed.

  • What is the business reason for using a new custom module, instead of just using status/type on the Quotes module? - and a different pdf template if needed.

  • I have given same approach to the client that there is an unnecessary duplication on data in both the module in quote as well as in order form.

    the client wanted that there is order processing team they wont have access to quote data 

    I have given counter solution as 

    when quote status is confirmed then ->

    1. the quote will be get assigned to order processing team via Process Definition

    2. when an user from order processing team opens the quote record 

    3. then  in that quote module record make every other field and non editable as the user from order processing team will not be able to edit any other field and enable an panel in which there are order form fields which will be accessed by the order processing team.

    I am working currently on this POC will update if client agrees to it.

    Below are my question 

    1. But just out of curiosity if I want the make a quote with qli layout on create & record view like module will it be possible to build that ?

    2. What about Invoice as there is no Invoice Module in Sugarcrm how to generate an Invoice from quote?