How show phone_mobile of contacs in create view of Call Module? Sugar 7.6

How show phone_mobile of contacs in create view of Call Module?

I'm add calculated value in field related($contacts, "phone_mobile"), but this show phone_mobile only record View.

How show in create view?

Parents Reply
    1. The contents of a file in the folder custom/modules/Calls/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php get lost after a repair & rebuild.
    2. You could add the line of code to the file containing the definition of the field custom/Extension/modules/Calls/Ext/Vardefs/<fieldname>.php. After editing the field in the studio the enforced=false change will undone.

    The best solution is to add a file called enforce.php in de folder custom/Extension/modules/Calls/Ext/Vardefs containing:




    replace the name "phone_mobile" with the fieldname you are using in the Call module to store the contacts phone_mobile. (probably ending with a _c)

    Don't forget to Repair & Rebuild
