How show Phone number contact module call?

This possible show Phone number contact in detailview module call? I'm use sugarondemand (Enterprise,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hello Rodolfo Jesus,

    Although you are able to create a calculated field for this, then are potential limitations. This will work correctly if you have one Contact in the Guest subpanel (as Contacts is the module shown in the image), however if the record in the Guest subpanel is a Lead then this will not work. Also there is a different option for related Contact and Parent Contact in the related section of formula builder, and if there is more than one Guest it will show the first number it finds.

    One option here in Sugar 7 could be to preview the Guest (when the record has been saved) to show the Contact/Lead/Target in the sidecar. Another possibility is to create ListView Dashlets in the sidecar to show the Guests so that you can see the desired information in the sidecar straight away. This issue with this second option is that you need to specify whether your Dashlet looks at the Guests subpanel or the Parent 'Related To' field, so you may need to do Dashlets for each.

    I hope this helps in some way, you will need to decide on what option you would like to follow but of course you can decide what varieties you want to use.