mysql query


Relative newbie.

I have explored extensively the REST API as I need to develop outside application that communicates with sugerondemand implementation. I have hit a dead end trying to  query the team_sets_teams table which seems not to have a module name (using get_available_modules). Without a module name it is not exposed via get get_entry_list.

Is it possible to run SELECT mysql query directly from outside application.


Parents Reply Children
  • I am trying to get all contacts related to the team of a specific user.

    If I were running sql query, it would look like this.

    SELECT * FROM contacts LEFT JOIN (

         SELECT DISTINCT team_set_id FROM team_sets_teams LEFT JOIN (

              SELECT team_id FROM team_memberships WHERE user_id = '7dcedfe6-a574-41a2-dd61-5147ea8ab460'

         ) AS ti ON team_sets_teams.team_id = ti.team_id

    ) AS tsi ON contacts.team_set_id = tsi.team_set_id
