Swap Users for invitees subpanel on meetings details view or add it

I am trying to add a subpanel in the meetings details view that pulls the invitees for a meeting. I see that there are Users in a subpanel for meetings but I need to see the contacts/leads that I invited to a meeting. 

I am running sugarcrm community edition version 6.5.22 build 1055.

If I need to provide more details please let me know.
  • Hi Jason,

    If I understand correctly, you want the Meetings Detail View to have a subpanel for Contacts, a subpanel for Users, and a subpanel for Leads, each populated with the records that are on the Meeting as an invitee? If so, this should be the default behavior:


    Is this not what you are seeing in your instance? Let me know if I misunderstood anything or if I can help in any other way!


  • Hi Jason,

    If I understand correctly, you want the Meetings Detail View to have a subpanel for Contacts, a subpanel for Users, and a subpanel for Leads, each populated with the records that are on the Meeting as an invitee? If so, this should be the default behavior:


    Is this not what you are seeing in your instance? Let me know if I misunderstood anything or if I can help in any other way!


  • Thanks Alan,

    I will clarify, When you create a meeting and add invitees I can do a search and see a list of leads and contacts to "Add" to the meeting. When I save the meeting or save & send invites it all works as expected. Then when I click on meetings from the menu and see the list of meetings I then click into the meeting I just created. Once I see the meeting I see the meeting details and a subpanel for Users. I also see any subpanels I add myself. But what I would like to see is a subpanel that displays invitees. The only way I can see invitees is if I go into the calendar, find the meeting and click on it, then click the invitees tab.

    So my question was how can I see the invitees on the details page of the meetings as a subpanel?

