How to update options after sync in Javascript?


we have a multiselect with some deprecated values. The deprecated values should be removed if not in saved values. This is what I tried in the module record..js:

    _filterLocations: function()
          var location_c = this.model.get('location_c'), skipList = ['dus6.2'], i = 0;

          if (typeof location_c != 'undefined') {
              var list = app.lang.getAppListStrings('data_center_list');
             Object.keys(list).forEach(function(key) {
                  for (i in skipList) {
                       if (key == skipList[i] && ! location_c.includes(key)) {
                            delete list[key]
             this.model.fields['location_c'].options = list   

The function is called by sync: this.model.once('sync', this._filterLocations, this)  

With console.log(list) is 'dus6.2' removed, but not in the page view.

How can I update / re-render the select values?

We are using SugarCRM 7.9



  • Hi Harald Kampen 

    I would create a custom enum field (custom/clients/base/fields/enum/), override the method loadEnumOptions in order to inject into self.items (the options returned from app_list_strings) the option fetched from database if it is not on app_list_strings anymore. This can be accomplished inside the "success" event of app.api.enumOptions.

    This way you can remove from app_list_strings the obsolete options. This strategy work for all enum fields so you don't need to worry about customizing every record.js/create.js.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi André,

    that's the other option but does not change the main problem that I have the values are loaded after rendering.

    Using this does not have the value location_c, and I don't know if I could use the sync event in this case to render again after loading the bean:

         extendsFrom: 'EnumField',

         initialize: function (options) {
              this._super('initialize', [options])
              this.type = 'enum'
         loadEnumOptions: function (fetch, callback) {
              var self = this,
              location_c = this.model.get('location_c'),
              skipList = ['dus6.2'],
              list = app.lang.getAppListStrings('data_center_list');

              if (typeof location_c == 'undefined') location_c = [];

              Object.keys(list).forEach(function(key) {
                   for (i in skipList) {
                        if (key == skipList[i] && ! location_c.includes(key)) {
                             delete list[key]

            self.items = list



  • EvilPeri EvilPeri gave me a solution here some years ago that has been working for me, but I have multiple dropdown lists defined and switch which one is used. It may not be what you are looking for but it may give you some ideas:
    SugarCRM 7  How can I re-render a multi enum? 

    There is a modification for 7.6 in the thread as well as a solution by Pedro Bazan at the end of the thread.

  • Hi,

    this._render() works. I found a different solution. Cause the callback function is not available on the sync event, I save it in the field object.

         extendsFrom: 'EnumField',
         callback: null,

         initialize: function (options) {
              this._super('initialize', [options])
              this.type = 'enum'
              this.model.on('sync', this.loadEnumOptions, this) 
         loadEnumOptions: function (fetch, callback) {
              var self = this,
              location_c = this.model.get('location_c'),
              skipList = ['dus6.2'],
              list = app.lang.getAppListStrings('data_center_list');

              if (typeof callback == 'function') this.callback = callback

              if (typeof location_c == 'undefined') location_c = [];

              Object.keys(list).forEach(function(key) {
                   for (i in skipList) {
                        if (key == skipList[i] && ! location_c.includes(key)) {
                             delete list[key]

            this.items = list
  • Hi,

    this._render() works. I found a different solution. Cause the callback function is not available on the sync event, I save it in the field object.

         extendsFrom: 'EnumField',
         callback: null,

         initialize: function (options) {
              this._super('initialize', [options])
              this.type = 'enum'
              this.model.on('sync', this.loadEnumOptions, this) 
         loadEnumOptions: function (fetch, callback) {
              var self = this,
              location_c = this.model.get('location_c'),
              skipList = ['dus6.2'],
              list = app.lang.getAppListStrings('data_center_list');

              if (typeof callback == 'function') this.callback = callback

              if (typeof location_c == 'undefined') location_c = [];

              Object.keys(list).forEach(function(key) {
                   for (i in skipList) {
                        if (key == skipList[i] && ! location_c.includes(key)) {
                             delete list[key]

            this.items = list
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