Page break for the Quote tempalate on PDFManager

Michael Shaheen Matt Marum

Hi, I would like to send a page break in the Quote Template to start a new page. The Terms and Conditions (fine print) needs to print on a separate page. 

Platform is On Demand, Ultimate.

  • You need to:

    • create a custom Sugarpdf for Quotes
    • create a  PDF Template containing the Terms and Conditions
    • edit the method display at custom Sugarpdf this way:

    public function display()

    $lastPageTemplate = $this->bean->db->getConnection()->fetchColumn(
    "SELECT body_html FROM pdfmanager
    WHERE deleted = 0 AND name = CONCAT((SELECT name FROM pdfmanager WHERE id = ?), ' - LAST_PAGE')",

    $this->writeHTML($lastPageTemplate, $this->smartyLn, $this->smartyFill, $this->smartyReseth, $this->smartyCell, $this->smartyAlign);


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • André Lopes - Many thanks. I was trying to avoid that route but oh well. I appreciate your post and I am sure others will as well that are facing the same Use Case.

  • Indeed, such a pain the PDF manager still doesn't have a page break feature :-(

  • This should be standard functionality in 2023! 

  • it is - this post was from 3 years ago Blush

  • Hi ,

    You can perform this by using Sugar's Doc Merge functionality. You can make the template and add any Word formatting, such as page break(s), without any additional coding. You can read more about Doc Merge at these links:

    I hope this helps!


    Alex Nassi
    Digital CX Operations Director

  • Unfortunately, Doc Merge is nearly useless for us. We use comment lines to separate options for the customer, such as work being done in the "Kitchen" versus the "Dining Room". Since Doc Merge does not handle comments well and jumbles them into one bunch, misses some, etc. We can not use it. I know groups work but unfortunately that does not work with Faye's Quickbooks integration and would be many thousands of dollars for them to implement. One step forward, two steps back... 

  •  Hi  ,

    It sounds like you're using Faye's Quickbooks integration correct? Do you have their latest package installed in your instance? Did you try to contact them going through your use case? They are very responsive and should be able to help.

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Yes, we have the latest package and the enhancement for making groups work is around $3k or so. Not a terrible cost but I tend to struggle to justify paying to upgrade their system, when I feel like it is making it more functional for others. If that makes sense. 

  • Understood  thanks for sharing.

    We, at the product level, are tracking and considering fixing/implementing this behavior.. You can find it in your portal by Issue & Ideas #92299...

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

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