Find cases whose competence team was


I am looking for a rest api specification to find cases whose competence team was a fixed string.

I'm actually able only to find cases that currently have a specific competence team but not ones that were managed by this competence team in the past.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you


  • I believe the TeamID is audited so you should be able to query the audit table.

    this will give you the case id, the team before and after the change

    select parent_id, before_value_string, after_value_string 
    from cases_audit
    where field_name = 'team_id'

    You can join the teams table to the query by matching the to the before_value_string and search for just those with the team name in questions.


  • I believe the TeamID is audited so you should be able to query the audit table.

    this will give you the case id, the team before and after the change

    select parent_id, before_value_string, after_value_string 
    from cases_audit
    where field_name = 'team_id'

    You can join the teams table to the query by matching the to the before_value_string and search for just those with the team name in questions.

