field type htmleditable_tinymce

I have the demand to get an html editable field in some modules. So i tried the field type htmleditable_tinymce

I can edit it and enter data, but values are not displayed in view mode,   I can only see  data in edit mode. I'm working with PE
pls help
thx in advance
  • Hell Lehnerr,

    I've written up an as yet unpublished Knowledge Base article on this subject, which I've pasted below:

    Adding TinyMCE to a Custom TextArea Type Field


    To incorporate this customization, the following prerequisites must be met:

    1. Login credentials for a System Administrator User.
    2. SugarCRM version 7.5.x
    3. Access to the SugarCRM File System


    In Sugar 7, within the SideCar modules, the application uses the TinyMCE editor when composing emails from the Emails subpanel, but this editor can be added to any TextArea type field by modifying the custom record.php file.

    Steps to Complete

    There are three primary steps that need to be completed.  First, a custom TextArea type
    field needs to be created in the module.  Second, the custom record.php file needs to be created.  Finally, the TinyMCE code needs to be copied from the core files.

    To create the TextArea field, please use these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Administrator page.
    2. Scroll down to the Developer Tools section and click Studio.
    3. Select the module where you’d like to add the custom field
    4. Click the Fields option and then click ‘Add Field’.
    5. Enter information into the available fields so that it is similar to the below screenshot:

    6. Click the Save button to complete creating the field.

    With the field created, the steps below will create the needed custom record.php file.  This file is needed so that the customization is upgrade safe and is not removed when changes are made in Studio:

    7. While still in Studio, return to the module where you’ve added the custom field, so that Labels, Fields, Relationships, Layouts, Subpanels, and Mobile Layouts are visible.
    8. Select the Layouts option, then select Record View.
    9. Add a new row to the Record View layout, then drag and drop ‘TinyMCE’ into one of the ‘(filler)’ fields in the new row.
    10. Click the Save button at the top of page to save the changes.
    11. A plus (+) sign is now shown next to ‘TinyMCE’, click this button to expand the field so it uses the full row.
    12. Click the Save & Deploy button at the top of the page to save and apply this change.

    The TextArea field is now added to the module’s Record View layout, but it is just a plain TextArea at this point.  Use these steps to apply the necessary code, so the TinyMCE editor displays when creating or editing a record:

    13. In the SugarCRM File System, open this file in a text editor:

    ./custom/modules/<Module Name>/clients/views/base/record/record.php

    14. Locate the array that contains the custom field that was created, tinymce_c:
    array (   'name' => 'tinymce_c',   'studio' => 'visible',   'label' => 'LBL_TINYMCE',   'span' => 12, ),

      15. This array contains basic information about the field.  Remove all of the items in the array, except the ‘name’ => ‘tinymce_c’, line.
    16. Copy the below code and paste in on a new line after ‘name’ => ‘tinymce_c’, but
    before the closing parenthesis ‘),’:
      'type'          => 'htmleditable_tinymce',   'dismiss_label' => true,   'span'          => 12,   'tinyConfig'    => array(     // Location of TinyMCE script     'script_url'                        => 'http://{Instance URL}/include/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',     'height'                            => '100%',     'width'                             => '100%',     // General options     'theme'                             => 'advanced',     'skin'                              => 'sugar7',     'plugins'                           => 'style,paste,inlinepopups',     'entity_encoding'                   => 'raw',     'forced_root_block'                 => false,     // Theme options     'theme_advanced_buttons1'           => "code,separator,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,bullist,numlist,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,separator,forecolor,backcolor,separator,fontsizeselect",     'theme_advanced_toolbar_location'   => "top",     'theme_advanced_toolbar_align'      => "left",     'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => "none",     'theme_advanced_resizing'           => false,     'schema'                            => 'html5',     'template_external_list_url'        => 'lists/template_list.js',     'external_link_list_url'            => 'lists/link_list.js',     'external_image_list_url'           => 'lists/image_list.js',     'media_external_list_url'           => 'lists/media_list.js',     'theme_advanced_path'               => false,     'theme_advanced_source_editor_width'=> 500,     'theme_advanced_source_editor_height'=> 400,     'inlinepopups_skin'                 => 'sugar7modal',
        //Url options for links     'relative_urls'                     => false,     'remove_script_host'                => false,   ),
    17.  The array should now be similar to the following:
    array(   ‘name’ => ‘tinymce’,   'type'          => 'htmleditable_tinymce', ...   'remove_script_host'                => false, ),
    18. Replace ‘{Instance URL}’ with the URL path to your Sugar Instance.  For example, ‘’.
    19. Save your changes to this file and close it.  If need be, updated the ownership and permissions of the file, in the event they were changed, to match the rest of the Sugar File System.
    20. Return to the Sugar User Interface.
    21. Navigate to the Administration page and select Repair from the System section.
    22. Click ‘Quick Repair and Rebuild’.

    Once the ‘Quick Repair and Rebuild’ process completes, navigate to the module where the customization has been implemented.  From the List View, or Navigation Bar, select the option to Create a new record.

    The TextArea field now displays the TinyMCE editor:

    Keep in mind the configuration I've presented above is a direct copy of the TinyMCE configuration used by the Compose Drawer for Emails.  There are a number of configurations you can make to the TinyMCE editor to add additional options for users, such as Font Family, Images, etc.


    Dan Kallish
    Advanced Support Engineer

    Learning Resources: | |
  • Hi Dan,

    It doesn't work in ie and firefox, see comment below.

    reagrds Robert
Reply Children
  • Hi Norbert Gröne,

    So i've done a customization like this before, and its as Dan said on his post that you just have to modify the record.php file to replace the type and add in the additional tinymce options. Regarding the error you mentioned what i did as a workaround was create a file on modules/<my custom module>/clients/base/fields/htmleditable_tinymce/htmleditable_tinymce.js
    and added this code

        extendsFrom: 'HtmleditableTinymceField',
        initTinyMCEEditor: function (optConfig) {
            var self = this;
            if (_.isEmpty(this._htmleditor)) {
                var config = optConfig || this.getTinyMCEConfig();
                var __superSetup__ = config.setup;
                config.setup = function (editor) {
                    if (_.isFunction(__superSetup__)) {
              , editor);
                    self._htmleditor = editor;
                    self._htmleditor.onInit.add(function (ed) {
                        $(ed.getWin()).blur(function (e) {
                    self._htmleditor.onDeactivate.add(function (ed) {
                    self._htmleditor.onSetContent.add(function (ed) {
                        if (self._saveOnSetContent) {
                        self._saveOnSetContent = true;
                    self._htmleditor.onChange.add(function (ed, l) {
                        self._isDirty = true;
                config.oninit = function (inst) {
                    self.context.trigger('tinymce:oninit', inst);
                 * Get the current field object before rendering
                 * use the field object to render the tiny mce
                 * @type {*|HTMLElement}
                var editable = this._getHtmlEditableField();
    So what i did was on the config and changed line 14 to self.value to set the value of the field and on lines 40 & 41 to set new config to tinymce i think you could come up with a better solution i for one have improvements to this solution to make it shorter anyway you this helps

    @Lehnerr i tested this on the latest version of FF and 4 version below the latest and this works, you just need to wait for the view to load before this would be functional also tried this in IE 10 & 11 i'm using to check for compatibility 
  • Thank you for your solution, but I have to modify it a little bit (I'm working with version, may be that's why it's different) :

    • I use self.getFormattedValue() and not self.value
    • but most important, the extend was not correct for me : I have to use "Htmleditable_tinymceField"
    I took this modification from the stock file:
    It should help someone to adapt this code to another version.

  • I just found a quick and dirty fix for firefox. So,  I add  also the _render function in my custom tinymce field and I set one second delay to render the view.

    My code looks like this right now:

    // /custom/modules/<MyCustomModule>/clients/base/fields/htmleditable_tinymce/htmleditable_tinymce.js


    extendsFrom: 'Htmleditable_tinymceField',
    _render: function () {

       var self = this
       if (this._isEditView()) {

       this._renderEdit(this.options.def.tinyConfig || null);
       } else {


                     self._renderView();   // here is the trick


    initTinyMCEEditor: function (optConfig) {

    // ....



    Any suggestions are welcome

  • in 7.6.1 I had to also add a controller to get the field to display the tinymce properly.



        extendsFrom: 'RecordView',

        MIN_EDITOR_HEIGHT: 300,


        initialize: function(options) {

          this._super('initialize', [options]);

          this.context.on('tinymce:oninit', this.handleTinyMceInit, this);



         * When TinyMCE has been completely initialized, go ahead and resize the editor


        handleTinyMceInit: function() {




         * Resize the html editor based on height of the drawer it is in


         * @param {number} [drawerHeight] current height of the drawer or height the drawer will be after animations


        resizeEditor: function(drawerHeight) {

            var $editor, headerHeight, recordHeight, showHideHeight, diffHeight, editorHeight, newEditorHeight;

            $editor = this.$('.mceLayout .mceIframeContainer iframe');

            //if editor not already rendered, cannot resize

            if ($editor.length === 0) {



            drawerHeight = drawerHeight || app.drawer.getHeight();

            headerHeight = this.$('.headerpane').outerHeight(true);

            recordHeight = this.$('.record').outerHeight(true);

            showHideHeight = this.$('.show-hide-toggle').outerHeight(true);

            editorHeight = $editor.height();

            //calculate the space left to fill - subtracting padding to prevent scrollbar

            diffHeight = drawerHeight - headerHeight - recordHeight - showHideHeight - this.EDITOR_RESIZE_PADDING;

            //add the space left to fill to the current height of the editor to get a new height

            newEditorHeight = editorHeight + diffHeight;

            //maintain min height

            if (newEditorHeight < this.MIN_EDITOR_HEIGHT) {

                newEditorHeight = this.MIN_EDITOR_HEIGHT;


            //set the new height for the editor




    In case this is useful to others, I also chose to show the field label in record view, and add some more buttons to the editor per include/SugarTinyMCE.php

    Unfortunately not all the table controls show the appropriate icons even though I have the table plugin included. I'll update when I find a solution.


                  array (

                    'name' => 'htmltemplate',

                        'label' => 'LBL_HTMLTEMPLATE',

                        'type'          => 'htmleditable_tinymce',

                        'span'          => 12,

                        'tinyConfig'    => array(

                            // Location of TinyMCE script

                            'script_url'                        => 'include/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',

                            'height'                            => '100%',

                            'width'                             => '100%',

                            'browser_spellcheck'                => true,

                            // General options

                            'theme'                             => 'advanced',

                            'skin'                              => 'sugar7',

                            'plugins'                           => 'advhr,insertdatetime,table,preview,paste,searchreplace,directionality,spellchecker',

                            'entity_encoding'                   => 'raw',

                            'forced_root_block'                 => false,

                            // Theme options

                            'theme_advanced_buttons1'           => "code,help,separator,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright, justifyfull,separator,forecolor,backcolor,separator,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect,",                        'theme_advanced_buttons2'           => "bullist,numlist,separator,outdent, indent,separator,ltr,rtl,separator,undo,redo,separator, link,unlink,anchor,image,separator,sub,sup,separator,charmap, visualaid",

                            'theme_advanced_buttons3'           => "tablecontrols,separator,advhr,hr,removeformat,separator,insertdate,inserttime,separator,preview,spellchecker",

                            'extended_valid_elements'           => 'style[dir|lang|media|title|type],hr[class|width|size|noshade],@[class|style]',

                            'theme_advanced_toolbar_location'   => "top",

                            'theme_advanced_toolbar_align'      => "left",

                            'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => "none",

                            'theme_advanced_resizing'           => false,

                            'schema'                            => 'html5',

                            'template_external_list_url'        => 'lists/template_list.js',

                            'external_link_list_url'            => 'lists/link_list.js',

                            'external_image_list_url'           => 'lists/image_list.js',

                            'media_external_list_url'           => 'lists/media_list.js',

                            'theme_advanced_path'               => false,

                            'theme_advanced_source_editor_width'=> 500,

                            'theme_advanced_source_editor_height'=> 400,

                            'inlinepopups_skin'                 => 'sugar7modal',

                            //Url options for links

                            'relative_urls'                     => false,

                            'remove_script_host'                => false,



  • This is awesome!   Thanks for sharing it.

    I was able to set a WYSIWYG field, which works great too, but when I was creating the quote for that record, variables wasn't parsed, and also I was getting the HTML tags visible in the quote. 

    Have you experienced something similar when reporting or creating quotes for the records that use this type of field?

    Thank you!

    Angel M.

  • Hi Dan,

    For the first time i am using SugarCRM. Found it great. I am learning and was trying to do the same thing with Community Edition 6.5.xx. May you help me with the same question for 6.5.xx Please?

    Thank you

  • Hi Dan,

    It seems that this doesn't work anymore on 7.8 after they upgraded the TinyMCE to version 4.1.8.

    Please help on this
