Studio view not refreshed on Save

After moving a SugarCRM instance from one server to another we discovered an issue in Studio.

When modifying something in Studio, like adding or removing fields and panels in the Record View layout of the Accounts module, after clicking Save & Deploy the change reverts back to the previous state. If the page is reloaded or I click on Record View again, it shows the changes I just applied.

In the screenshot below I just added New Panel 13 with Alternative Postal Code. Once I click Save & Deploy, it disappears right there. If I refresh or click on Record View again, it appears to be saved - did not actually disappear.

To make things weirder, if I change something again after clicking on Save & Deploy and my changes disappearing, everything that I change and Save & Deploy stays changed and does not disappear on my screen. Then it stays working correctly for the module I did this for until cache refresh, After cache refresh, this behaviour starts over.

  • Hi Artis Plocins 

    I believe there is a javascript error in there.

    Before saving changes open the developer tools (press F12). Hopefully you will see some javascript errors at the console tab.

    Let us know the error and the respective request at the network tab.

    Kind regards

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • When Studio does not reflect your changes it's often a permissions problem.

    You save, Sudio says saved, but in reality the filesystem could not complete the save operation.

    Check your file permissions, my panacea is to run these from sugar root to make sure all files and directories belong to apache, and set permissions on all directories to 775 and all files to 664:

    sudo chown -R  apache:apache *

    sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

    sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;

  • Tried setting those permissions and it's not better. Setting them all to 777 doesn't make a difference either.

    It's not like it can't save - it does save, but does not send back the data of the new state of it I think.

  • Hi, there is nothing at all in the JavaScript Console when clicking on Save & Deploy and when it disappears.

    Also, no errors are added to the sugarcrm.log or Apache access.log and error.log.

    I'm using a Chrome browser and it's happening for my colleagues too, and it does not happen on a different server, so it cannot be a browser issue or a SugarCRM version bug, but also, besides permissions, there isn't anything else I can think of that could affect it on the server.

  • Hello Artis Plocins,

    We experience the same behaviour here.

    Have you found a solution on your side?

    Some other weird Studio behaviours seem to be related to this one. For example, we create a new dropdown field on a module, and we define a new dropdown list to associate it to the dropdown field. We can save the dropdown list but the list is not available in the dropdown field. We have to save the dropdown field as it is and then go back to the edit screen of this field to select the list we created...

    Kind Regards,


  • For anyone who end up here, the problem is solved for us (thank you sugar support).

    The issue is related to the Zend OpCache configuration.

    By default, Zend OpCache has the value ( opcache.revalidate_freq ) set to 2seconds.

    Because of the above default value, the changes in Studio are not updated immediately in the cache of Zend OpCache, thus you do not see them immediatelly in Studio.

    By changing that value to 0, you will be able to view the changes in Studio as expected.
    For the above change to be applied, you will have to restart apache.