How to set type currency from API?

Hi everyone,

I want to know how to set or update the type currency of a currency field, I mean, I have an external database and once per day I send all the new information from this database to sugarcrm through the API, but there are some prices that I want to put in MXN and I don't know how to do it.

Hope you can help me.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for clarifying the scenario  Eduardo Martínez .

    I'm afraid you have to rethink the architecture of the current solution once all currency fields in the same modue share the same currency id (the very same currency name/conversion rate) and SugarCRM force updating all currency fields according to the related currency id.

    I can imagine two possible solutions:

    1. Convert the MXN currency field into a regular float one, so it will not be get updated by any Currency's hook;
    2. Manage Price List in a separate module the way you can manage specific currencies for the same Product from the Catalog avoiding conflicts.

    We had implemented both solutions on some customers, each one according to specific business roles.

    Good luck!

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada