What is the status of Sugar on Docker for production environments?

Hi community,

We've been working happily with dockerized Sugar instances for our developments. Now some of our customers are starting to host their production applications on Openshift or other similar platforms. 

As far as we know, SugarCRM does not support Sugar on platforms other than "regular" operating systems. 

Is that the case? Is docker on the roadmap? 



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  • Hi ,

    Here's my personal take on Kubernetes as I used it heavily in few massive projects outside Sugar.

    1. Even though we use K8s internally in some deployments, we don’t have any documentation on how to set it or use for that matter
    2. We’ve been advocating SugarDockerized as our basis for containerization.
      1. It contains all necessary supporting software needed to run sugar (DB+searching+caching+cron), etc
      2. Its images can easily be used as the basis of K8s deployment
      3. We are committed to publishing the latest Sugar supported images on Docker Hub
    3. K8s deployments would follow the same basic idea as our docker-composer but in the K8s language
    4. Few K8s things you’d have to look out for are:
      1. Storage for your WEB+uploads uploads paths in more recent versions of Sugar requires care (permissions-wise)
      2. Ingress+LBs, but if you follow the basics to get to the reach the web container.
      3. Cron to run Sugar jobs (you should not use K8s’s jobs but let sugar run its own cron)
      4. Don't forget, one CRON instance per deployment
    5. K8s Sugar Install/Upgrades
      1. I don’t believe you’ll be able to use Sugar’s CLI but will be restricted to the UI
      2. Unless, of course, jumping into the Sugar Web’s container itself if needed.
    6. I found an OSS called sugar-k8s that seems to have accomplished what you need.

    Here's my 2 cents

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate