Sugar UI Modernization - Office Hours - Recap

On July 3rd, we held our monthly office hours session on Sugar UI Modernization!

Our guest experts  ,   &  shared details about some very exciting and well-researched user experience upgrades to Sugar's user interface.

Session Highlights

This new iteration of Sugar UX, driven by customer and user feedback, focuses on achieving consistency across the SugarCRM product suite by implementing consistent UI patterns with a modernized flair. This includes enhancing usability with larger clickable targets in the left navigation, incorporating color modules for visual clarity and contrast, and improving the UI through features like flyover menus and an enhanced dark mode. The updates will mainly involve HTML template and CSS styling adjustments, ensuring minimal disruption to any existing features or customizations.

However, users who have customized HTML templates (ex. Handlebars) need to pay attention to changes in template files. A full list of files is in progress, so stay tuned for the release of that list!

These changes enhance the UI consistency and continuity across all Sugar products and clients include Mobile.

Check out the recording below!


Your feedback and suggestions are not only appreciated but critical in driving meaningful improvements to the products such as the ones demonstrated on these sessions. Customers, partners, developers are all urged to submit tickets in Sugar portal so your needs and requests have a permanent record and get routed to the proper PM teams for the attention they deserve to implement change.

This session was recorded on July 3rd. Here is the recording and slides.

Let us know how we are doing!  

We want our Developer Office Hours sessions to be relevant and valuable. Please provide feedback so we can continue to improve and better serve you!  

Share your feedback with this short survey.  

Next Session Sign-Up  

The next session will be on August 7th, 2024.

Please register for the Office Hours series so you don’t miss a session.

Developer Office Hours are (typically) held on the first Wednesday of every month at 10 a.m. ET / 7 a.m. PT.