Q3 '24 (Sugar 14.1) Release Preview is now available!

Hi Sugar Devs,

The Release Preview for the Q3 2024 (Sugar 14.1) SugarCloud releases is now available!

Sugar Release Previews are provided to select partners and customers to give you an opportunity to plan and prepare customizations and integrations for upcoming Sugar releases. You can download and install pre-release builds of Sugar that you can use for test and development purposes only.

The Preview includes our Release Preview Customization Guide which details new UI features, Bulk and Integrate API Improvements, Module Loader improvements, ExternalResourceClient improvements, and much more in the release.

If you don't have access to the preview and want to use it, please contact developers@sugarcrm.com to request access to the Sugar Release Preview program. Just so you know, the contents of the Release Preview are confidential, not for production use, and subject to our pre-release product agreement.
