Extension Framework Best Practices - Office Hours - Recap

On June 5th, we led a session on learning about Extension Framework Best Practices.

 was our guest expert this time around. Angel has been working on Sugar since nearly the beginning - 15+ years! He's also a Principal Technical Account Manager here at SugarCRM and has led many Sugar Developer training courses over the years.

Session Highlights

We discussed the differences between creating a customization that overrides Sugar's core behavior and creating an extension that uses the Extension Framework. Overriding in order to implement your change is easier than building an extension - but you run a greater risk of broken Sugar upgrades or broken customizations. It's critical to use the Extension Framework when developing packages that'll be distributed to multiple customers.

We talked about some of the common extension points like the Vardefs and Sidecar (User Interface) extensions and the Extension file system hierarchy. It's very important to put your extension files in the right place for them to be picked up! You also have to remember to run a Repair & Rebuild so that Sugar can compile your extensions into the application cache.

Finally, Angel showed an example of using a Vardefs extensions to implement some changes to Sugar modules that you cannot do from Sugar Studio or the Sugar administration panel.

We will follow-up with another session in the future where we will dive into some practical examples of doing UI extensions using the Extensions Framework.

Session Recording 

This session was recorded on June 5th. Here is the recording and slides.

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