Article Tips for Posting Questions or Best Practices

When asking a question or starting a discussion it is important to make sure you are providing enough information to receive helpful feedback. Below are some tips to help get you started.

Before posting:

  • Search before asking - If your question has been asked before, consider replying to the existing post
  • Talk to the right audience
  • Keep yourself safe – Remember that SugarClub is a publicly accessible site. Please do not share passwords, specific URLs, your own customers’ data, or other sensitive information. If that is necessary, please create a support case.

Creating your post:

  • Question or Discussion?
    • Questions when needing help and hoping for an answer
    • Discussions when sharing best practices and tips
  • Subject
    • Informative and specific. “I need help” or “Error messages” are NOT good subjects
  • Description
    • Provide as much detail as possible to help others help you, including:
      • Reproduction steps and any troubleshooting you've done so far.
      • Environment details specific to your deployment, such as your version, deployment information (e.g. Sugar Cloud or On Premise), etc. as this can greatly affect the answers to your question.
      • Your role, such as administrator or end-user.
      • Screenshots to illustrate

After you post:

  • Thank those who have helped and mark any answers that have helped you along the way!